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Aya M. Productions

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Book Review: Keep Me Safe by Maya Banks

Keep Me Safe: A Slow Burn Novel - Maya Banks

Note: I received a free finished copy in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not paid to write this review.


Keep Me Safe by Maya Banks is the first book in her new romantic suspense series Slow Burn. It follows the Devereaux family, starting with Caleb Devereaux. and Ramie St. Claire. In Keep Me Safe, Caleb first hunts Ramie down to get her to help find his sister. Later, Ramie comes to him for his help, and they end up in a hunt for a psychic, psychopath set on killing Ramie.


The best part of Keep Me Safe for me was the mystery itself. I found the psychic aspect to be different and interesting. It definitely helped to make the mystery of it all more unexpected. Although the character’s psychic abilities played a major part of the mystery, it’s not the main focus of the story. There’s no major backstory or explanation for the abilities. The story focused on the romance and the mystery for the most part, using some paranormal aspects to help develop it.


The only issue I really had with Keep Me Safe was how the romance between Caleb and Ramie played out. In the beginning it felt a bit forced and seemed to move a bit too quickly, in my opinion. I do love the characters and their eventual relationship. I just wish it was more developed before “I love you’s” were said.


All-in-all, Keep Me Safe was an intriguing romantic suspense story with a bit of a twist to it. Will I consider reading the rest of the series? Yes, and I’d also consider reading some of her other works as well. I’d highly suggest giving Keep Me Safe by Maya Banks a try if you enjoy romantic suspense. Don’t let the small paranormal twist to the story keep you from trying it.

Source: http://ayamproductions.com/2014/10/keep-safe