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Aya M. Productions

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Review: Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark

She's No Idol - Jay Clark

Note: I received an eARC in exchange for my honest review. I was not paid to write this. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


My thoughts on Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark is difficult to form into coherent sentences. By the end I enjoyed it and thought it was interesting – a good interesting. It just was not quite what I was expecting. Abram and Juliette meet again late one night at their neighborhood pharmacy, picking up prescriptions. Somehow they decided to finally say hello and their interesting romance began.


I think the beginning is the most difficult part to get through. It wasn’t that it was bad. I just had the most difficult time connecting with Juliette. I didn’t particularly like her at the beginning, thought she was all wrong for Abram, and had a difficult time sympathizing with her.


Slowly, after a while, Juliette grew on me, and she somehow meshed well with Abram. For them it was definitely a opposite attracts kind of relationship in regards to their personalities. Juliette could be pretty snarky and did things pretty much as she pleased with little initial regard for others, while Abram was more of a go with the flow kind of guy. Yeah, I totally see why I didn’t think they’d be good for each other at first.


The truly shocking thing was the lack of angst. Finding Mr. Brightside truly was more of a happy, go-lucky type romance. Juliette and Abram are affected by their past as seen through their coping mechanisms, but the story is well after the tragedy. Together they weren’t overcoming grief, but letting go of their coping mechanisms in the form of prescription pills and starting a healthy relationship with each other. I wasn’t expecting the happy, go-lucky feel, but I liked that it was. Plus, I absolutely loved all the whale references. Too cute.


Overall, I don’t think Finding Mr. Brightside is for everyone. Particularly, I think people will have difficulty getting into the book like I did. I’m definitely glad I stuck this one out though. I ended up loving it by the end. So regardless, I would suggest just giving it a try if you’re a fan of feel good YA romances.

Source: http://ayamproductions.com/2015/05/finding-mr-brightside