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Aya M. Productions

This is the Booklikes profile to my blog AYA M. Productions.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm a bookseller, post graduate job seeker, avid reader, and a blogger. :)


Altered - Jennifer Rush I’d describe this book firstly as a mystery/thriller with some sci-fi and romance mixed in. I purchased it in the Barnes & Noble “50% Off Select Romance” Nook book sale they’re having this weekend. I’ve been meaning to read it for a while now. So I’m glad to have finally got my hands on it.This book was a quick read. Took a single afternoon for me to go through it. I loved the idea of it and all the twists kept me hooked, along with the promise of Sam and Anna. But man it sure confused me. With the big questions regarding all of their histories – Sam, Nick, Cas, Trev, and Anna – it was difficult figuring out who’s good an who’s bad, whether you want Anna to trust him/her or not. Oh the questions this brings up. I’ll certainly be reading the next book in the series. I’m ready for some answers at least regarding Anna and Sam.For more please visit my blog. :)