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Aya M. Productions

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Book Review: Mine by Katy Evans

Mine  - Katy Evans

Mine by Katy Evans picks up at the start of the new season following Real. I honestly didn’t enjoy this one as much as I did for Real. I mainly read this because of Remy, and he was awesome in this book! Most of my issues were with Brooke and some of the subplots.


What happens to Brooke was a bit shocking. I didn’t expect Katy Evans to do that, but I’m not all that surprised either. It’s a storyline used often in romance. I did feel like Brooke’s immaturity really showed through this book and through what happens to her. I get she’s somewhat a “new adult” still figuring out her plan for life, but her immaturity was borderline annoying.


I did’t get the purpose of some of the subplots. Nora’s in particular seemed a bit pointless. I don’t think it helped to develop any of the characters. It didn’t seem like Nora grew much from it either. Then there’s the whole Pete and Riley lying subplot. I can understand why something like that would happen, but I don’t know if it was worth adding aside from creating drama.


Remy… Oh Remy. He outshines everyone and totally made this read worth it. In Mine, you delve deeper as Brooke understands Remy more. In particular, you see more of Remy dealing with his bipolar disorder and becoming more accepting of himself.

Source: http://ayamproductions.com/2013/11/mine