This is the Booklikes profile to my blog AYA M. Productions.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm a bookseller, post graduate job seeker, avid reader, and a blogger. :)
Note: A free e-copy of this book was received for my honest feedback. I was not paid to write this review.
Wrecked by Priscilla West was quite enjoyable. Well at least it was up until I realized it was going to end at a cliffhanger. Yes, a major cliffhanger! Sadly Wrecked is one of those books that abruptly ends at the climax with little to no resolution.
Disregarding the cliffhanger, let's talk about the good parts. I liked Lorrie and Hunter. They did some amazingly stupid things in this story, including keeping major secrets from each other. However, their broken, imperfect personalities had me rooting for them, hoping everything would turn out alright.
Gary and Ada, one the other hand, were two characters I tried to like but ended up hating. I get that they're Hunter's friends, but they had no right to treat Lorrie like that in the end. Yes, they should protect their friend, but they shouldn't be judging without knowing the entire situation. Especially since they know Lorrie is fragile as well. Plus they all hate the gossip and rumors based all upon speculation. They should know better.
Those kittens though... Oh gosh that was adorable! Love how Lorrie and Hunter bonded over those kittens.
Overall I'd give this story 3 stars. I really did not like the cliffhanger. I hate all the loose ends, and it feels like an unfinished story. However, it won't keep me from reading the sequel. I do need to finish the story after all.