This is the Booklikes profile to my blog AYA M. Productions.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm a bookseller, post graduate job seeker, avid reader, and a blogger. :)
Note: I received a free eARC of this book for my honest review. I was not paid to write this review.
Third Degree by Julie Cross was a quick, fun story about a child prodigy going back to college after failing to get into a residency program after med school. At first I seriously did not like Izzie, the female protagonist in the story. She annoyed me big time! However, she slowly grew on me and became a character I loved. Like Marsh, the male protagonist, said, she really does have a good heart.
One thing’s for sure, placing a child prodigy that has never been around people her age back in college was bound to be hilarious. From day one, Izzie sure made an impression. She was diagnosing floor mates and upsetting professors left and right even though she never meant any harm. Although, Marsh was super sweet and stayed by her side.
Personality wise, Marsh was absolutely perfect. He was patient and caring. He really wanted to help Izzie. He had a big secret though! A secret that’s key for his relationship with Izzie and perhaps even Izzie’s career. Marsh was definitely book boyfriend material though.
It was fun watching Izzie try to cope with all the changes in her life. She definitely grew as a character. The story did lack the tying up of some loose ends. For example, I’m not sure if it addressed her relationship with her family fully. I loved the way Julie Cross decided to end it though. It was fitting for Izzie’s and Marsh’s situation and a fitting end for an NA read.
To sum things up, I enjoyed Third Degree by Julie Cross. Izzie grew on me, and I loved Marsh. The story itself was fun and a nice quick read. I’d give Third Degree 4 stars.