This is the Booklikes profile to my blog AYA M. Productions.
For those of you who don't know me, I'm a bookseller, post graduate job seeker, avid reader, and a blogger. :)
Note: I received an eARC of this title for my honest review. I was not paid to write this.
Firstly, I’d just like to say that the cover looks AMAZING! I can’t wait to see what the finished copy looks like. Bloomsbury US Kids/YA (@bwkids) kindly posted a photo of the finished copy on twitter. So GORGEOUS!!! :)
Open Road Summer by Emery Lord would be a perfect summer read. It has a great friendship, some romance, and a main character that has to learn to forgive herself. It was a quick, fun, and at times touching read that left me wanting more.
Reagan is pretty much the polar opposite of myself, aside from growing up with a single parent and getting good grades. I never had that need to rebel. Even though she’s so different from me, I fell in love with her character as she tried to fix herself over the course of the summer. You can definitely gain a sense that she still has a lot of maturing to do, but I liked where she was headed as a character.
Matt was honestly a great match for Reagan. I loved the songs and their relationship. One of their major conflicts was a bit cliche, but I thought it was very fitting considering Reagan’s personal issues.
What I really loved was the focus on Reagan and Lilah’s friendship. This story wasn’t just a romance. It also showed the strength of good friendships. By no means are Reagan and Lilah perfect, but the fact that they work well together and are very loyal to each other is evident.
The ending was very fitting. I absolutely loved it! However, I still can’t help wanting more. The ending was a bit open ended. I know the ending was fitting, but I’m just not a fan of open endings. I like having concrete knowledge that the characters I fell in love with will get their happily ever after. I think Reagan, Matt, and Lilah deserve it. So I want more than just their summer.
Open Road Summer by Emery Lord was an AMAZING read. I loved the characters. I loved the story. & I’d suggest it to anyone that’s looking for a fun, summer themed read about friendship, romance, and forgiving yourself. 4.5 stars overall for Open Road Summer by Emery Lord.