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Aya M. Productions

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Book Review: Fake It by Jennifer Chance

Fake It (Rule Breakers #2) - Jennifer Chance

Note: I received an eARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. This in no way affected the content of my review or my opinion. I was not paid to write this.


I really enjoyed Fake It by Jennifer Chance. I think I enjoyed it more than Rock It, the first book in the series. Fake It is a companion novel to Rock It and can be read as a stand alone. I found Fake It to be a fun, hilarious read. I think, I connected with Anna much more than Lacey from Rock It. It’s probably because I’m pretty career driven myself.


Fake It‘s plot is basically a bad boy and good girl trope along with a bit of the fake relationship trope. Anna needs a fake boyfriend to attend her friend’s wedding, and Jake signs up for the role. So the storyline isn’t all that unique. Anna and Jake sure made it their own though. This story is all about them as individuals and their potential relationship together. Secondary characters don’t have much of a presence except maybe Anna’s ex. Anna and Jake’s personalities are what made the story for me. They were fun together and hilarious. I was laughing since chapter one.


My biggest issue with this read was Anna’s relationship with her ex. I understand that he’s the lead on the project their working on at work, but gosh, did she let him lead her around. I felt like it took forever for her to overcome her issue with her ex in the story no matter how much her relationship with Jake progressed and how many times she encounters her ex at the wedding they’re attending that weekend. I felt like she kept wanting show her ex that she didn’t want him, but when it came to work she always conceded with no argument.


So basically I loved Anna and Jake, and I hated Anna and her ex. I had fun reading Fake It by Jennifer Chance. It made me laugh multiple times. I just got a bit tired of the dance Anna kept having with her ex. Overall, I’d give Fake It 3.5 stars. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone that likes stories where the love interests are polar opposites or where they get together by posing in a fake relationship. It may also be good for anyone that’s just looking for a good laugh.

Source: http://ayamproductions.com/2014/07/fake-it