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Aya M. Productions

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For those of you who don't know me, I'm a bookseller, post graduate job seeker, avid reader, and a blogger. :)

Book Review: Irresistible Force by D.D. Ayres

Irresistible Force - D.D. Ayres

Note: I received an eARC of this title in exchange for an honest review. I was not paid to write this. All opinions expressed are my own.


Irresistible Force by D.D. Ayres was a wild ride. A supposed dog-napping of a K9 Unit dog brought James and Shay together. James may be trying to be a stick by the book kind of cop and Shay may be weary of law enforcement, but they definitely couldn’t deny their chemistry and mutual love for Bogart, the K9 Unit dog.


The chemistry between the two was definitely hot. They argued. They made mistakes. They made up. & Ultimately, they always found they way back to each other even after Shay told James to go away multiple times. Bogart also seemed very much like a person at times, bringing the characters together and lots of humor as well.


The crazy situation they found themselves in was quite farfetched. They were extremely unlucky, both having a self-centered, egomaniac ex that think he/she is above the law. I really didn’t buy into it that much, but I loved Shay’s eventual character development.


One thing that frustrated me personally was the lack of due diligence by law enforcement in Shay’s past. It’s definitely the forensic scientist in me, but gosh, it made me mad. Of course Shay’s past led to Shay’s distrust in law enforcement and more frustration for me as she refused to report many incidents to the police.


All-in-all, D.D. Ayres wrote an interesting story with some great main characters. I’d give Irresistible Force 3.5 stars overall. I’d highly suggest this read for anyone that loves a romance involving slightly broken characters, a love interest in law enforcement, and dog lovers.

Source: http://ayamproductions.com/2014/08/irresistible-force